Sunday, October 2, 2011

My 50/50 Movie Review

My friend Kim sent me this email last August.

When I first saw a commercial for the movie 50/50, I knew I had to see it. Faith wasn't too keen on me mentioning I was going to watch it solo, I was just too eager to wait for her. Anyways, Friday night Faith and I went to go see it. We couldn't leave the house fast enough. 

Well, who wouldn't want spend their date night watching a movie inspired by a true story about a young man getting a rare form of cancer?

50/50 was well cast, the story moved along at a good pace, but there was way, way, way, way, too many F* bombs (Seth Rogen, please learn some new words). However, more importantly the story rang true. 

There's a part in the movie the where the main character is at a party and people start to give advice and empty "You can beat it" comments coupled with "If you need anything, let me know dude." That scene ought to have been four times so non cancer survivors would know how hard trite remarks can be to hear. That scene is also when I started crying. 

Every ten minutes it seemed Faith or I cried. The movie hit home for two reasons for us. For Faith she said that she felt bad for not quite getting "it" for long time. For me, ...well it just did.

After the movie Faith said "I want to eat my emotions." And so we did.

I appreciate Kim's (fake) hatred for Seth Rogen, as I'm sure his (fake) screenplay wouldn't have been as vulgar (Kim is a he, yes guy's are named Kim too).  Maybe Kim can rework his fake screenplay and do my movie in a few years.

In short I give 50/50 six radiation treatments out of ten.

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